

Scientific Name: Ortalis Vetula
Geographical Range: Southern Texas, Nicaragua, Costa Rica
Habitat: The chachalaca lives in river woodlands and thickets, they prefer to live close to water
Diet in the Wild:The Chachalaca eats leaves, grain, berries, buds, their diet also may include insects
Conservation Status: Not protected.
Location in the Zoo: Herpetarium

Physical Description:
Chachalacas are about twenty to twenty-four inches long. Characteristically they have small heads and dark brown feathers on their heads and backs, along with lighter brown feathers on thier chests.  They have a very long greentinged tail with a white tip. 
Social Organization:
Solitary, Family Groups, Communities? 
Special Adaptations:
Any physical or behavioral features of the animal that contribute to its survival in its natural habitat. 
Reproductive Behavior
The female chachalaca usually lays a clutch of about three to four eggs in a nest made mostly of sticks and lined with moss and leaves.  Ocassionally they will use the old nest of other birds.  The nest is usually made in a low tree branch or heavy vine which is three to five feet off of the ground.  The eggs take three to four weeks to hatch and the chicks will leave the nest tow to three weeks after they hatch.
The Animal at the Zoo:
History of the animals at the zoo, your personal observations of the animal. 

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